Digital Storytelling and Photos Help Dementia Patients
Creating short videos using pictures and music has many benefits for patients with dementia and their families. Natalie Simonian and Dr. Arlene Astell GLSE ( Graduate and Life Sciences Education ) presented a project that helps seniors delay the loss of memory and certain abilities. Dementia robs the patient of their cognitive abilities, socialization skills, and memories.
ON VIDEO: Digital Storytelling and Dementia
DST is a process for gathering stories into short little nuggets of media called digital stories. Benefits include offering legacy, contributing to sense of identity and self expression. The project takes place in three phases: 1-recruitment from ASYR and other day programs; 2-interview over 8 sessions; 3-sharing the story with family and friends.
Digital storytelling also benefits seniors as it promotes active reminiscing, and the direct participant involvement in the story creation on digital platform. It also challenges the limitations of dementia, possibly creating new paths inside the brain or delaying the decay of existing ones.